Episode Sneak-Peek
Red Knight: I was wondering if I could borrow a few things? I’m whipping up a little something special, but find that I am lacking in a few specific ingredients.
Green Knight: I guess so. What are you making?
Red Knight: Cockatrice bait! The creatures are notoriously difficult to track down, so a good bait is absolutely necessary to capture one!
Green Knight: A cockatrice? Aren’t those, like, chickens with lizard tails? That can kill people just by staring at them?
Red Knight: Yes indeed, but ONLY if you look back at it!
Green Knight: But…but why are you trying to capture a cockatrice? Aren’t they dangerous?
Red Knight: You just answered your own question, Green Knight! However, in addition to the challenge, Coconut Cupcake has requested that I find one for her. Something about wanting one for its eggs or something. To be completely honest, I wasn’t paying close attention.
Green Knight: Huh, what a surprise.
Red Knight: Your sarcasm is noted, Green Knight! Now, may I please borrow some things?
Green Knight: I guess so. What do you need?
Red Knight: Let’s see here…aha! Here we are! I will require one cup of yogurt, a plethora of spices like curry, cumin, mustard, two pounds of cockroaches…alive, for a preference…
Green Knight: Wait, WHAT?
This episode is dedicated to our most honored knights:
Sir George of Texas
Lady Buffy of the Emerald Gryphon
Episode music is licensed through Melody Loops (www.melodyloops.com). Sound effects are from the Adobe Audition library and are licensed for use under the Adobe Software License Agreement.