Episode Sneak-Peek

QUEEN SUNFLOWER: A most terrible crime has been committed!
GREEN KNIGHT: What happened?
QUEEN SUNFLOWER: My crown has been stolen!
PINK KNIGHT: That’s awful!
RED KNIGHT: That is simply terrible!
PRINCESS PEARL: When did THIS happen?
QUEEN SUNFLOWER: Mere moments ago. I had enclosed myself within my room, weary from my long travels and grateful for a moment of well-earned respite.
RED KNIGHT: Oh good gracious.
QUEEN SUNFLOWER: I removed my crown but for a moment, so that I might brush my hair; however, when I had finished, I realized that the crown was missing! I swooned, overcome with sorrow, nearly swept away in the terrible tide of emotion that threatened to smother me!
PINK KNIGHT: The thief must be pretty brave to steal the crown while you were in the same room!
RED KNIGHT: Never fear, your majesty! We shall find the missing crown and bring its thief to justice! The Greatest Detective in All the Land is on the case!
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Episode music is licensed through Melody Loops (www.melodyloops.com). Sound effects are from the Adobe Audition library and are licensed for use under the Adobe Software License Agreement. Dramatic music was downloaded from freesound.org.