Hi Mom, this page is for you! A podcast is a digital audio file you can listen to. There are several ways you can listen to The Adventures of Red Knight podcast:
- Listen directly on this website.
- Listen through a podcast directory
Listen on the Website
Each regular Episode is posted here on redknightstories.com.
- Go to the Episodes page.
- Click on the link to the episode you would like to listen to.
- Click on the triangular "play" button to listen to the episode.
You can also download the episode to your computer and listen to it from there if you're having trouble with your internet connection. Make sure your speakers are on!
Listen Through a Podcast Directory
Many people have accounts or use apps to listen to podcasts through podcast directories. Some of the most popular podcast directories include iTunes, Spotify, Google Play Music, and Stitcher Radio. If you listen through one of these directories, we do not always have control whether or not the directory includes ads inside the audio content.