Episode Sneak-Peek Purple Knight: “Great gallopin’ grasshoppers! I thought that bird was sunk in the…
Chapter 7: The Princess’s Cat, Part 2
Episode Sneak-Peek Pink Knight: “Red Knight, what’s going on?” Red Knight: “It’s a long story,…
Chapter 7: The Princess’s Cat, Part 1
Episode Sneak-peek Green Knight: "Admiral Fluffypaws is in my lab because he was possessed by…
Chapter 6: Red Knight’s Thanksgiving
Episode Sneak-peek Green Knight: “Red Knight, are you sure you know where to find a…
Chapter 4: Red Knight’s Halloween, Part 2
Episode Sneak-peek Red Knight: “Good gracious, what happened?” Green Knight: “Red Knight? Can you hear…
Chapter 4: Red Knight’s Halloween, Part 1
Episode Sneak-peek Green Knight: "Why aren’t you in costume?” Red Knight: “Why would I be?”…
Chapter 3: The Marshes of Madness Part 2
Episode Sneak-peek King Dragon: “W...what was that? Did you hear that?” Goblin: “It sounded like…
Chapter 3: The Marshes of Madness, Part 1
Episode Sneak-Peek Pink Knight: "Why do they call this place the Marshes of Madness?” Green…
Chapter 1: Kidnap!
From this episode: The song of the rats The King Dragon shouts and yells Acts…