Episode Sneak-Peek

RED KNIGHT: Good gracious! What are all those things zipping about overhead?
GREEN KNIGHT: Holy cow! Gnomesburg is being invaded by flying saucers!
RED KNIGHT: Fantastic!
RED KNIGHT: Oh, right, I mean…terrible! Very bad!
GREEN KNIGHT: Oh brother!
PINK KNIGHT: We have to stop them!
CAPTAIN ZORT: How the heck are we gonna do that?
RED KNIGHT: Not to worry, I have a plan!
GREEN KNIGHT: A plan. For flying saucers.
RED KNIGHT: You’re using your skeptical voice, Green Knight! And I don’t think I appreciate it!
PINK KNIGHT: Well, what’s the plan?
RED KNIGHT: I’m glad you asked, Pink Knight! It is as simple as it is brilliant!
GREEN KNIGHT: Oh boy, here we go.
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Episode music is licensed through Melody Loops (www.melodyloops.com). Sound effects are from the Adobe Audition library and are licensed for use under the Adobe Software License Agreement.