Episode Sneak-Peek ROAR! Pink Knight: What the heck IS that? Red Knight: Do you know…
Chapter 19: Purple Knight’s Apprentice
Episode Sneak-Peek Purple Knight: I, Purple Knight, the Greatest Wizard in All the Land, have…
Chapter 18: The Leprechaun
Episode Sneak-Peek Green Knight: Red Knight, what are you DOING? Red Knight: What am I…
Chapter 17: The Waffle Tower
Episode Sneak-Peek Red Knight: Hurry! We don’t want to miss it! Pink Knight: Oh my…
Chapter 16: The Kaleidoscope Gardens
Episode Sneak-Peek Green Knight: BWAH! Red Knight: Rise and shine, old boy! We’re behind schedule!…
Chapter 15: Snowball Fight!
Episode Sneak-Peek Green Knight: BWAH?! Red Knight: HaHA! Surprise attack! Take that! And that! And…
Chapter 14: Double Date
Episode Sneak-Peek Red Knight: Now, what’s all this about, hm? Green Knight: I asked Pink…
Chapter 13: The Cursed Amulet
Episode Sneak-Peek Green Knight: Kinda spooky, isn’t it? Red Knight: Yes, it is! Green Knight:…
Chapter 12: The Donut War
Episode Sneak-Peek Princess Pearl: Now remember everyone: we’re here to have fun! In the end,…
Chapter 11: The Crystal Throne
Episode Sneak-Peek Narrator: The knights opened their eyes, and found themselves in an icy wasteland,…